
About Aerostix

Aerostix is a premier brand that offers a transformative vaping experience like no other.

With a commitment to excellence, Aerostix combines innovation, quality, and customer satisfaction to create products that exceed expectations.

Here’s why you should choose Aerostix:

1. Cutting-Edge Innovation: Aerostix constantly pushes the boundaries of vaping technology. Aerostix products are at the forefront of innovation, from sleek and ergonomic designs to advanced features. You can expect an unparalleled vaping experience that is both satisfying and enjoyable.

2. Exceptional Quality: Aerostix strongly emphasizes quality control and product excellence. Each device and cartridge undergoes rigorous testing to ensure optimal performance, durability, and safety. By choosing Aerostix. Knowing you are investing in high-quality vaping products, you can have peace of mind.

3. Superior Performance: Aerostix products are engineered to deliver exceptional performance. Whether it’s the powerful battery life, consistent heat distribution, or smooth draw and flavor retention, Aerostix devices are designed to provide a flawless vaping experience from beginning to end.

4. Customer-Centric Approach: Aerostix values its customers and strives to provide exceptional service. Aerostix listens to feedback, continually improves its products, and prioritizes customer satisfaction. Aerostix ensures every customer has a positive and enjoyable vaping experience.

5. Wide Range of Options: Aerostix offers various products to suit different preferences and needs, Aerostix has something for everyone. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced vaper, Aerostix has the perfect solution.

6. Industry Compliance: Aerostix adheres to industry standards and regulations. The content ingredients are carefully sourced and verified by local authorities. Additionally, the products undergo SIRIM testing, further ensuring quality and safety.

When you choose Aerostix, you select a brand that prioritizes your vaping experience and offers products that deliver on Aerostix’s promises.

Elevate your vaping journey and make Aerostix your go-to choice for a remarkable experience.

The worldwide battle against smoking.

Each year, countless individuals and families endure the severe health consequences of tobacco smoke and second-hand exposure.

The World Health Organization reveals that tobacco usage contributes to over 7 million deaths annually across the globe.

No other preventable cause of death or disease compares to the harmful impact of traditional cigarettes.

More than 70% of the 1.3 billion tobacco users worldwide lack the resources to quit successfully.

Only a mere 4% of quit attempts will triumph without proper cessation support.

Smokers encounter numerous barriers when striving for a healthier lifestyle.

Recognizing these challenges, we pondered, “Is there a better way for self-relaxation without the associated hardships?”

Here's where our role begins.

Aerostix has introduced an intelligent alternative for tobacco users, offering a straightforward, pleasurable, and, above all, less detrimental solution than combustible cigarettes.

At the heart of the Aerostix brand lies a commitment to excellence. Every Aerostix device is meticulously crafted using premium materials and ingredients and undergoes rigorous quality control and testing to ensure a secure and user-centric product.

The outcome is an exquisitely designed device simplifies the transition from traditional cigarettes.

Disclaimer: The statement refers to the relative harm reduction potential of Aerostix products compared to combustible cigarettes based on available scientific evidence.

DATO’ DR. SUHAINI KADIMAN MD, M.MED, Bachelor of Medical Sciences

Head / Senior Consultant Anesthesiologist & Director of Clinical Research at National Heart Institute & Advisor of Aerostix

Dato’ Dr. Suhaini Kadiman is a highly qualified and accomplished Head / Senior Consultant Anesthesiologist & Director of Clinical Research at National Heart Institute with expertise in Perioperative Transesophageal Echocardiography, Organ Protection in cardiac surgery, Dexmedetomidine in the perioperative setting, Computer Assisted Surgery and Diagnosis, Minimally Invasive Surgery, Heart Assist Devices, and Clinical Research.

He holds an MD (UKM), M.MED (Anaesthesiology) (UKM), and a Bachelor of Medical Sciences (UKM). Dr. Kadiman has extensive experience performing Perioperative Transesophageal Echocardiography, Neurocognitive Function Post-Cardiac Surgery, and various Clinical Research experiments. 

Dr. Kadiman is also a member of numerous respected organizations such as the Malaysian Medical Council, Academy of Medicine of Malaysia, American Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists, American National Board of Echocardiography, and Malaysia Society of Anaesthesiologists.

To top it off, Dr. Kadiman’s fellowship training at Papworth Hospital in Cambridge, United Kingdom, further attests to his expertise in the field.


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